Teaching Outside
Teaching and learning outside take many forms:
class meetings
journal writing
read-alouds and more
You don’t have to be an “outdoors person” to benefit from teaching your students outside. You don’t need a special outdoor classroom or special equipment. Outdoor learning is for everyone.
Did you know that learning outside boosts academic achievement and improves students’ social and emotional learning?
Learn more about SEL and outdoor learning in our Resources section.
Just getting started with teaching outside?
Ready to expand your repertoire?
We have the professional development you need.
Workshops and Residencies
Professional development for educators who are just getting started with outdoor learning and for those who want to expand their teaching to off-campus and longer excursions.
Customized Student Sessions
And if you want to treat yourself to an outdoor learning experience, check out our Teacher Backpacking Trips
Teacher Backpacking Trips
We offer many student workshops, for grades K through 8 on a range of topics, held right on your campus or in your community. Student workshops can be combined with professional development sessions.