Backpacking Trips for Teachers
Maybe you can relate to one of these statements:
I need to recharge!
Backpacking with other educators? I’m in.
I’d like to up my outdoor education game.
I like to hike and want to try backpacking.
I want to expand my network of educators who value time spent outdoors.
I like to have fun outside.
If you agree with any of these statements, please join us on one of our Teacher Backpacking Trips: two and three-day backpacking trips in the Western Mountains of Maine. You’ll practice and learn outdoor skills, connect with other teachers, challenge yourself, learn outdoor lessons to share with your students, and have lots of fun.
Developed by Registered Maine Guide and NBCT Educator of 21 years, Stacey McCluskey
Choose from three backpacking trips:
Bigelow Range (one night, two days) Stratton, Maine
Mahoosic Range (two nights, three days) Newry and Andover, Maine
Four Ponds Wilderness Area (two nights, three days) Farmington to Rangeley, Maine
Not ready for backpacking, but you’d like to hike with your colleagues? We can set up a day hike for you and your teacher group with professional development options.